Welcome to the Dashboards Page where you can find links to dashboards of repeaters and amateur radio systems which are run or used by the Wimmera Amateur Radio Group’s Members.
Jump to: Repeater | APRS iGate | Flight Tracking | Balloon Tracking
Repeater Dashboards
- https://vk3rhd.vk44.net (MMDVM Dashboard)
- https://vk3rbp.vk44.net (SuperMon Node Dashboard)
VK3GWY (VK Linked Repeater System)
- https://www.qrz.com/db/VK3RBA (Additional Information)
VK3III-L (146.500 Simplex Node)
- https://vk3iii-l.vk44.net (SuperMon Node Dashboard)
- https://vk3vpn-l.vk44.net (SuperMon Node Dashboard)
- https://vk3rbu-2.vk44.net (SuperMon Node Dashboard)
APRS iGate Dashboards
- https://vk3rbp-1.vk44.net (APRS iGate Dashboard)
- https://aprs.fi/info/a/VK3RBP-1 (APRS iGate Information)
Flight Tracking Dashboards
Horsham Airport – YHSM (Operator: VK3JBM)
- https://yhsm-ft1.vk44.net (TAR1090 Flight Tracking Dashboard)
- https://yhsm-ft2.vk44.net (PiAware Flight Tracking Dashboard)
Balloon Tracking Dashboards
Horsham – VK3RHD Tower Site
- Dashboard Links Coming Soon….
VK44 Network DMR HUB Server
This service is brought to you by VK3JBM and VK3TIM (Thank You Dr!), and hosted by the Team at VK44.NET!
DVSwitch – Digital Voice Server
- https://asl.vk44.net/dvs/ (DVSwitch Dashboard)
- https://asl.vk44.net (Allstar Bridge Dashboard)
DVSwitch HUC – Web Client for DVSwitch
- https://huc.vk44.net (HUC Web Interface – HTTP USRP Client)
- To access this service, please request a username and password from VK44 Network System Admins. Otherwise, you will only be able to listen as a Guest User.
FreeDMR Network Server – 50540
- https://dmr.vk44.net (DMR Server Dashboard)
- https://dmr.vk44.net/moni.php (DMR ALL HEARD Dashboard)
What’s your Reaction?
Great Web page. Currently working on getting VK5RDM back on air at Murray Bridge SA