There is so much you can do that it can’t be listed down here – but some of the possibilities are:
- Assist at various events with their communication system. (Variety clubs and other events and sports rely many times on HAM operators for their communication).
- Be prepared for emergencies with skills and equipment that will allow you to communicate over a huge area effectively and efficiently. (Amateur radio was used in the Black Saturday bush fires, as well as other natural disasters where general communications failed).
- Talk to other people around the world either directly, via repeaters, via IRPL/Echo link or even via satellites.
- You can also bounce signals off the moon. (Called EME or Earth-Moon-Earth communications).
- Take part in Amateur competitions.
- Learn more about electronics, and put that information to practical use.
- Build your own equipment, accessories, and antennas or experiment with leading edge technical developments.
- Talk to people around the country (or the world) while traveling in your car to pass the time.
- Use your computer to make radio transmissions via nodes / repeaters all around the world using Echolink.
- Transmit and receive audio, data or even television signals.
- Learn morse code and practise with other amateur operators. (There’s never a shortage of morse operators). Learning morse code is different to what you might think. It’s more about getting familiar with patterns (like learning different music tunes for different songs), rather than remembering the dit’s and dah’s (or dashes and dots).
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